12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Галина ( Саясина Галина Владимировна)123
Россия, Астраханская обл., Астрахань

1. Communication. Read and match.

1. What’s this? ______a. Yes, I do.

2. What’s your name? ______b. It’s a school bag.

3. Does she like chocolate? ______c. My name’s Lulu.

4. Do you like pizza? ______d. It’s Larry’s.

5. Whose is this horse? ______e. Yes, she does.


2 . Vocabulary

Look, read and match.


2. 3. 4. 5. 13 6.

pencil ___ carrots ___

vegetables___ armchair ___

train___ thirteen ___


3. Grammar. Choose the correct answer.

1. My box ______green.

a. is b. are c.am

2. Larry and Lulu ______ in the garden.

a. is b. are c.am

3. It ______ a dog.

a. is b. are c.am

4. I _______ ice-cream.

a. like b. likes

5. Ann______ pizza.

a. like b. likes


4. Reading and Writing.

Read and write the answers.

My name’s Ann. I’m in year 3 at school. My favorite subject is Art.

I’ve got a sister, Kate, and a brother, Sam. I like pasta and burgers,

I don’t like eggs and rice.

My room is yellow. I’ve got many toys: a green train, a brown cat and a red mouse.

The girl name is:

Amy b) Anya c) Ann


She has got:

two sister and brother b) sister and two brother c) sister and brother


She does not like:

eggs and rice b) pasta and burgers c) art and school


She has got:

brown train b) green cat c) red mouse



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